Iida holding decoration tree, Lovi Tree 55cm, black, bigger decoration tree, Lovi Tree 2m on the background


There is a lot of work behind every successful product. The journey from an idea through sketches to actual plans, testing prototypes, making the final product, and bringing it to market requires many brilliant thoughts and knacky pair of hands.

So here we go! Let us introduce the first wonderful member of the Lovi team, Iida. Below, Iida tells a little about her work at Lovi and reveals her Lovi favorites.

Wooden decoration tree, Lovi Tree 55cm black
Black Lovi Tree 55cm is Iida’s favorite item on Lovi collection.

I started working at Lovi in ​​September 2021. I work in production. My job includes cutting, grinding, painting, packing, and shipping products.

I enjoy starting work early in the morning, so my workday usually begins as early as six o’clock. I start the machines in the production hall and begin by placing the first products into operation. After that, I check for new orders, start producing missing products, paint, and pack products into packages.

The best thing about my job is that I can do things with my hands and that the job is very versatile. The positive, encouraging, and humorous co-workers are also a great thing.

My favorite Lovi product is the black Lovi Tree 55cm. I like the black color and I could well imagine having it in my own living room. The Lovi Mouse is also sweet. It would make a fun addition to the edge of a plate of cheese, for example.

Lovi Mouse would be fun little detail on the edge of the cheese plate.

Stay tuned! We will introduce more members of the Lovi team and their favorites later.